Friday, September 19, 2008

puddles from another dimension.

There are always puddles of water that stagnate beside the curbsides here. It doesn’t even rain all that much, but there are sometimes puddles that are the size of a pond and I watch as people parallel park into them and then have to hop to the sidewalk. It’s normal. People just hop back and forth over them like there was a storm or something when there wasn’t.
I’m eating a horrible breakfast burrito for lunch. It’s cold and tastes really bad, but I paid for it, so I guess I’m just shit out of luck.
I want to go home, wherever that is. I’m not quite sure anymore. I’m thinking mountains. I’m thinking clean air sans other-worldly puddles on the streetside.


Unknown said...

Did you see all the tadpoles in the puddle outside our place? There are tons of them just swimming in that muck.

missscarlett03 said...

i haven't checked, but now i will. how are they surviving? i'm going now. there are puddles.